What should I do to prepare for my float?

There are a few recommendations we like to highlight for you as you prepare for your first Float RI float experience. We will provide you with everything you need to float including earplugs, shampoo, body wash, towels and blow dryers. You are welcome to bring your own personal care items if you choose -and can use them for your post float shower. We encourage you to: have a light snack about an hour prior, refrain from caffeine for about 4-6 hours prior, and save your shaving for the day before.


*Please try and fill out the float waiver ahead of your scheduled appointment.

*If you are unable to fill out your waiver in advance, or you booked two appointments in your name and are bringing a guest, please arrive 10 -15 minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment time so that one of the appointments can be put in your guests name and they can fill out the waiver.

Come in with an open heart and an open mind!

How are the pods and water kept clean?

There is 850 lbs of medical grade Epsom salt dissolved in each pod. Salinity is at 1.30 grams per cubic centimeter. The solution is so high in saline that no living microorganism can survive in there. After each session, the entire volume of the solution is pumped out and filtered through a three part filtration and sterilization system utilizing Ultra Violet (UV) light and H2O2. UV is the safest and most effective system available. In addition to our filtration and sterilization system, each guest is required to shower both before and after their float session.

What should I wear to float?

Come get naked and float!

We recommend you float in the nude for a couple of reasons. Anything you wear presses against your body and could stimulate your sense of touch. This could be distracting. It is also important to control what enters the saltwater pod solution so that we can keep it safe for everyone. However, you may wear a swimsuit if you are more comfortable as long as it is free of any lotions or oils.

What if I’m claustrophobic?

You are in full control of your float experience. The space inside the float pod is approximately 5 feet wide by 8.5 feet long. To personalize your experience to your comfort level, you can float with the pod door open or closed and you can get out of the pod anytime throughout your session.

Is it safe to float if I am pregnant?

Yes!! In fact, mamas-to-be can find significant relief with joint pain, muscle tension, and inflammation associated with carrying additional baby weight. Floating has been shown to reduce cortisol levels and boost endorphins which can counterbalance some of the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy such as insomnia, anxiety and depression. Floating is recommended for trimester 2 only and please make sure to consult your physician prior to scheduling your float session.

Can I float if I recently colored my hair?

We know how much time (and money) is put into getting the right color for your hair. So, when is it safe to float? If you have colored treated your hair, you must wait AT LEAST two weeks to float and your hair must run free of color. If your hair color runs in the shower, on towels or fabric you are not permitted to float.

If your stylist uses semi or demi permanent hair color or your hair is dyed with bright, beautiful colors like red, blue, green, purple or pink — unfortunately you cannot float for at least one month after your hair is colored AND your hair needs to run clear of color in the shower and not stain towels or fabric.

Our policy is you cannot float until the water runs clear and dye does not come off both in the shower and on the towel when you towel dry it. With semi and demi permanent hair colors, the color molecules sit on the surface of your hair, which means the top layers of color wash off when you wet your hair. This can be exacerbated by the salt content in the float pod leading to hair color leeching and pod contamination.

Hair dye can discolor the solution in the pods and stain the PVC, which can result in a costly experience for everyone.

So, please be confident that your hair color is no longer running when wet. If your hair is not running clear in the shower, please call us to reschedule your appointment. We thank you. Our float pods thank you. And your beautiful hair color thanks you!

Can I float if I’m menstruating?

We kindly ask that you call to reschedule your float session if you are menstruating.

How often should I float?

Many people benefit from regular use of float therapy. Even more positive results are obtained from long periods of routine use. Consider what your goals are for the float therapy sessions to determine whether once weekly, once a month or more is appropriate for you.

Are there circumstances in which I would not be permitted to use the float pod?

If you have any of the following conditions, we recommend that you skip the float and consider one of our other therapeutic services instead:

  • Infections skin or respiratory disorders

  • Open wounds

  • Incontinence

  • Epilepsy or other serious medical conditions

  • A high-risk pregnancy

  • Currently menstruating

  • Have colored or permed your hair within the last 2 weeks

  • Had a spray tan within the last 48 hours

Is there a shower in the sauna room?

While you don’t have a shower in the room to use after your sauna session, don’t worry about smelling yourself all day! As long as you towel off after your IR sauna session ends, you shouldn’t be stinky at all! Body odor from sweating typically happens when water, salt and fat mix with the bacteria on your skin. If you wipe it all away before it dries on your skin, you should be just fine.

Of course, if you are floating after your sauna session, you’ll be able to shower before (and after) your float!!!

I want to sauna and float. Which one should I do first?

Typically, we would recommend booking your infrared sauna session first, followed by your float therapy session. The infrared sauna typically reaches about 125-130 degrees allowing you to “heat up” from the inside. When your IR sauna session is over, you can towel off, head to the relaxation room for a short bit to grab some water or tea and allow your body to come back down to resting temperature. Then, we will transition you to your float room, have you shower before entering the float pod, you float for your scheduled time, and then you finish up with another quick shower.

However, if you prefer to float first and then sauna - that is perfectly fine too! Just remember, there is no shower in the sauna room, so you would just need to towel off following your sweat sesh!